Mākoura College gives learners the knowledge, skills and experiences to succeed in life in ways that matter to them. When young people have a strong sense of wellbeing, they can engage meaningfully in learning.

At Mākoura College, we believe your child has the right to a safe, healthy in a supportive learning environment, where they are accepted and respected, and an education that values their identity, language and culture.  

Waka Huia (form time) is a time when there is an emphasis placed on wellbeing and support for our students.  That they have a sense of purpose and can discuss issues they are facing.

Restorative practice enhances a school-wide culture of mutual respect, care and support.  Positive relationships at all levels are integral to the success of the social and learning environments of our school.

A strong mentoring programme ensures every student has regular academic interviews to ensure their learning programme is on track to help them achieve their career goals. We work closely with each student and their whanau to ensure there is a strong connection between the subjects chosen, qualifications gained and their planned career pathway.


Mākoura College believes that all students must be able to thrive regardless of differences. We embrace diversity as part of a richer learning environment.  Mākoura College welcomes all students ensuring that every member of our community feels valued and cared for. We support the needs and aspirations of all our rangatahi and their whānau.

Your child needs to feel confident, feel like they belong, enjoy school, have friends, have a say in what goes on for them and feel challenged at school. That they are proud of what they have learned and achieved. Mākoura College knows that relationships are paramount to a successful time at school - this informs how we operate.

Mākoura College is based on strong family and community relationships. We are proud to be an inclusive friendly school in which student wellbeing and positive connection are important and springboards to achievement.