School Motto

Kia Manawanui | Be of a COURAGEOUS and COMPASSIONATE heart

‘Kia Manawanui’ embodies the way we want to ‘be’; caring and supportive of others and courageous in our approach and attitude to life.  It forms the basic formula of success at Mākoura. Embracing Kia Manawanui means being willing to have a go, take on new opportunities, new activities and new learning. Furthermore, it encourages us to do this despite any challenges, difficulties, obstacles or failure. 

We believe when courage is combined with compassion we can ensure the success of all. This is, when we adopt a courageous approach to life and are surrounded with the care and compassion of others, we are more likely to achieve our goals. 

School Vision

Growing tika, pono and aroha through learning.

Through TIKA we develop the strength to do what is right.  Students are encouraged to be honest, trustworthy, responsible and dependable. 

Through PONO, we develop wisdom through learning.  Students are free to be passionate about learning and life and apply new skills and knowledge positively. 

Through AROHA we develop care and concern for self and others.  Students are empowered to do good for others in our school and the wider community.