History and Purpose

Puawananga-Wairarapa Young Parents, formerly The Wairarapa Teen Parent Unit, on the Mākoura College premises, was established in 2002. It is for young parents or pregnant teenagers who have had their education interrupted by parenthood. It is a chance to reach their educational goals whilst entering parenthood. 


The aim of the Wairarapa Teen Parent Unit is to enable young parents to continue their education. 

Unit Specifics

  • Puawananga is open from 9am -3pm during college terms 

  • It is based on the grounds of Mākoura College 

  • The Mākoura Early Learning Centre is next door and has spaces for Puawananga children 

  • Puawananga incorporates a supportive environment for both academic and social growth 

  • Course and childcare costs are usually funded through WINZ

  • Full support is given to the parent and child

Campus Facilities

The Unit: 

  • operates in a large working space 

  • has qualified teaching staff 

  • transports students and infants around Masterton in our own vans

  • has full kitchen facilities with lunch being provided each day 

  • offers students study options at any level of the curriculum 

  • is a place where all support services can access the mother along with the child​​​​​​​

How to enquire?

Contact the Puawananga Manager:  Prue Harawira-Smith

Landline: 06 377 3491

Mobile: 027 406 9623

Email: prue.harawira-smith@puawananga.nz